Harvey Comics Database Wiki
Wendy Witch World Vol 1 10

Wendy Witch World #10 - Harvey Comics - September 1964 - 68 pages


  1. Wendy - (My! That floor is dusty!) - 1 page
  2. Wendy - (Oh, golly!) - 1 page
  3. Wendy - The Sandman's Brother (part 1) - 5 pages
  4. Wendy - The Wrong Nappers (part 2) - 5 pages
  5. Wendy - Substitute Sandman (part 3) - 5 pages
  6. Ghostly Trio - (Psst! Hey, look!) - 1 page
  7. Casper - The Dirt Spirit - 5 pages
  8. Casper - The Day Gravity Stopped - 2 page text story
  9. Ghostly Trio - Tiny But Terrible - 5 pages
  10. Casper - (The Doozy Woozy Doll Co.) - 2 pages
  11. Wendy & Casper - The Witch's Spell (part 1) - 5 pages
  12. Wendy - (Gee! I wish I had something to do!) - 2 pages
  13. Wendy & Casper - A Prince of a Prince (part 2) - 5 pages
  14. Wendy & Casper - Turnabout (part 3) - 5 pages
  15. Ill-Timed - 1 page text story
  16. Pretty Boy - 1 page text story
  17. Spooky - Out of This World - 5 pages


  • Wendy (1-5,12-14)
  • Pearl (1,17)
  • Casper (2,7-8,10-14)
  • The Sandman (3-5)
  • Drowsy Man (3-5)
  • The Ghostly Trio (6-7,9,11)
  • The Dirt Spirit (7)
  • Merlin (8)
  • King Snort (8)
  • Big Booley (9)
  • Fairy Queen (9)
  • Clifford (10)
  • Mr. Doozy (10)
  • Witch Weevil (11,14)
  • Princess Pamela (11,13-14)
  • Witch Sisters [Thelma; Velma; Zelma] (12)
  • A Prince (13-14)
  • Spooky (17)
  • a ghost psychiatrist (17)
  • a ghost doctor (17)


