The New Casper Cartoon Show was a 1963 to 1969 animated television series that appeared on ABC's saturday morning schedule. The show featured older 1959-62 Famous Studios cartoons, mostly Noveltoons and "Modern Madcaps" which were shown as "Harveytoons", and 26 new Casper the Friendly Ghost episodes that were created specifically for this show (animated by Paramount Cartoon Studios), though all of them originally ran in the first 1963-1964 season. Several Minisodes of the show are available to view for free on Crackle. All voices in the Casper episodes were performed by Norma McMillan and Bradley Bolke.
On October 11, 2011, Shout! Factory released Casper the Friendly Ghost: The Complete Collection 1945-1963 on DVD in Region 1.[1] The 3-disc set features 55 original theatrical cartoons as well as all 26 episodes from The New Casper Cartoon Show on DVD for the very first time. It also contains extensive bonus features including a rare never-before-released episode.