Casper and Wendy - Valentines to Color and Send - 1976 Tempo Books (Grosset & Dunlap) #12761
Casper - Scrambled Word Find Puzzles #7478 ◉ Casper - TV Tales #9232 ◉ Casper - Fun and Monsters #9239 ◉ Casper's Monster Joke and Riddle Book #12117 ◉ Casper and Richie Rich - Fun and Fantasy #12621 ◉ Casper and Wendy - Valentines to Color and Send #12761 ◉ Casper and Wendy - Ghosts and Witches #14527 ◉ Richie Rich - Treasure Chest #14537 ◉ Richie Rich - Around the World #14538 ◉ Casper - Tales of Wonder #14880 ◉ Casper - The Wishing Cake #14884 ◉ Richie Rich - The Family Tree #16199 ◉ Casper - Ghost Stories #16489 ◉ Casper - Laughquakes #16842 ◉ Richie Rich - The Money Game #16918 ◉ Casper - Classics #17067 ◉ Casper and Richie Rich - Million Dollar Fun #17094 ◉ Casper and Hot Stuff - Super Sizzlers #17095 ◉ Casper - Big Doings #17253 ◉ Richie Rich - Derring-Do and Dough-Re-Mi #72154 ◉ Casper - Far-Out Fables #17251-8 ◉ Casper - Funny Friends #17255
Casper - Ghosting We Go! #9277 ◉ Casper - Sky-Jinks #9243 ◉ Casper - What's Up? #9340 ◉ Richie Rich - Summer Games #72155 ◉ Richie Rich - On Thin Ice #72156
Casper and Wendy - Sports Fun
Casper And His Friends - Painting the Globe ◉ Casper's Funland - Coloring Book ◉ Harvey-Toons Big Coloring Book ◉ The New Casper Cartoon Coloring Book ◉ Casper and His Friends - Harveyland ◉ Casper - Jack-in-the-Box ◉ Casper and the Ghostly Trio - Rub-A-Pencil Book ◉ Casper's Funland - Rub-A-Pencil Book
Casper and the Spooks ◉ Little Audrey - Watering Roses ◉ Casper's Funland ◉ Wendy The Good Little Witch ◉ Harveyland - Pictures To Color ◉ Casper - Painting Mushrooms ◉ Casper and Wendy ◉ Casper and the Ghostly Trio ◉ Harveyland ◉ Harveyland - Follow The Dots ◉ Casper - Purple Dolphin ◉ Harveyland - Flying Carpet ◉ Adventures In Harveyland ◉ Casper In Candytown ◉ Casper - Out West ◉ Casper - The Children's Friend
Casper Sticker Fun ◉ Casper Paint With Water ◉ Casper - A Big Color/Activity Book ◉ Casper Movie Coloring Book ◉ Casper Movie - Paint 'N' Marker Book
Casper and Wendy - Valentines to Color and Send ◉ Casper and Wendy - Sports Fun
Casper - Bubblehead ◉ Wendy - Blammo Goes The Bubble Gum ◉ Richie Rich - Royal Salute ◉ Hot Stuff - Good and Mellow
Casper Movie - Whipstaff Manor ◉ Casper Movie - Attic