Harvey Comics Database Wiki
File:Buzzy butts.jpg

Katnip is a smoking addict. A commercial on television offers him a cure. He sends away for it at once. He finds that he must eat crow meat to kick the habit. ("If the smoking habit/you must beat/then eat a salad/with fresh crow meat," he reads.) Buzzy the Crow just happens to land in Katnip's window asking for a light of his cigar. Katnip grabs Buzzy and attempts to make him into a crow salad, but instead, Buzzy decides to help him stop smoking. He first gives Katnip his cigar and Katnip puffs on it. Next Buzzy takes a TNT which explodes making Katnip's head blackened. Katnip is about to give up saying he's still got the habit. Buzzy's next remedy is "will power." in which Katnip refuses the offer of a cigar smoke arm luring him. However he is resistant which gives Buzzy a chance to throw a 500 pound weight at him crushing the cat. Buzzy goes off singing "My Heart is a Hobo", but Katnip ticked off, states that crow salad's the only cure and attempts to eat him. However, Buzzy shoots through Katnip's teeth and escapes him before sending the cat into outerspace. Cigarette jokes range from chain smoking to Tobacco Road.


  • A Noveltoon featuring Buzzy and Katnip
  • The original end title to this cartoon finds Buzzy taking a drag on a "King size!" cigarette and blowing the

    The special ending when Buzzy blowing and smoking the Paramount Logo

    smoke into the air, which reveals the Paramount logo.
  • This cartoon is not currently shown on American television because of its now socially unacceptable behavior.
  • Katnip is drawn differently.
  • The prints of this cartoon by Harvey Films cuts the special ending.
  • This was the final Buzzy the Crow cartoon


File:No Ifs, Ands, Or Butts
